04 June, 2011


Yes, I have been off enjoying motherhood.  I think I told y'all I would be M.I.A. for a while, and well, I was right.  I figured I should update everyone on the puddin' pop we call Welton.

He had a minor infection at the beginning of the month that made his belly button a little swollen, but it was nothing a 10-day course of anti-biotics couldn't handle.  I'm so glad they make baby medicine in yummy flavors.  We also got to take the little man on his first vacation.  We headed down to Arizona to visit my family, and for Ben to work.  He was amazing in the car, only waking up 3 times for maybe half an hour each.  It made the 11 hour drive mostly bearable.  Baby took his first dip in a pool, and he loved the water.  It came as no surprise, because he has always loved bath time.  We got to spend time with Ali and her family, and Ben and his family.  We had our first family photoshoot, and the little tub tolerated it all right.  (Thanks Pizzozey) 

Once we got home and life got back to normal, Welton had his 6 month check-up at the pediatrician.  He was a WHOPPING 14 lbs. 11 oz, and 24 1/2 in. long.  He is in the 90% for his adjusted age (meaning he is bigger than 90% of the babies that were born on his due date, March 6th).  LUCKILY, his head is only in the 25%tile, which means he escaped the curse of the Cowart head (although he did get the forehead and furrowed brow).  EVerything else regarding his health is up to par for his corrected age, and he is even functioning at about 50% of his real age.  Of the list of milestones a baby should reach by 6 months, he is doing about half, which the doctor called remarkable.  He shook his head in disbelief several times, commenting that he had never seen a 24 weeker do so well.  Welt's vocal cords are starting to strengthen and he is making new sounds, and louder sounds, every day.  He's already eating us out of house and home, which makes me cringe to think about him being 16.  We will probably start him on solid food in the next month or so.

I don't know why Heavenly Father felt that we deserved such a special, strong little boy, but man am I thankful. 

He has such a sweet demeanor and loves being around people, now that he is allowed!  His smiles and laughs make my world complete.  We are looking forward to the summer, now that it is finally warming up.  Hopefully we will be able to visit Arizona again, and maybe even make a trip back to Georgia, so he can meet the rest of my family.  Going back to Samoa will have to wait a few years, as I don't think I am equipt to deal with an infant on a 14 hour flight. 

Anyhoo, that's just a little info.  I know I forgot a ton of stuff, so if you have any questions, leave me a comment or facebook us.  Til next time...


  1. geeze you made a cute child. I think he misses me so you better come back soon!

  2. Oh he is yummy! That last pic is too much! I need to snuggle me some Welton ASAP!
