04 February, 2011

Fugitives, poop, and half a pound of baby

Baby Welton is 5 1/2 pounds!  He also pooped all over me, including in my mouth.  Umm, it was pretty nasty.  The retina specialist said there is no progression in baby's ROP, and that is AWESOME!!  He's also been taken off the sodium and potassium supplements.  His lungs are still working hard, but we haven't been able to wean him anymore in the last few days.  His eyes are much more mature now, and it's so amazing to see him actually focus on momma and daddy's face!  He loves taking naps on our chests.  The skin to skin is the best place for him to get deep sleep, and deep sleep is the best thing for his brain development.

So, we had a pretty strange night earlier this week.  A fugitive duped the cops and escaped into the hospital.
http://www.ksl.com/?sid=14240507&nid=148   It turned out the guy just walked out the hospital door, so there was no reason to panic.  But, I did anyway.  Luckily the hospital is very protective of it's tiny patients, so the unit was locked down and no one could get to my beautiful baby boy.

I haven't slept in about a week, so my brain is having trouble recalling all the details.  I'll try again tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to the "moms with thier kids poop in thier mouths club" mwahahaha. Sorry that im laughing...but I am. W is adorable as always. Get him ready to be roughed up by my boys. Love you
