28 February, 2011

Home Sweet Home

It's hard to write this because I had to put the baby down.  He's sleeping peacefully while lying next to me on the couch.  He's as beautiful as ever.  I can't kiss him enough, and instead of being afraid that the back of his head will be flat, I'm afraid I will make him have a flat forehead.  I try not to press my lips too hard :)  His hair is soft and fuzzy and he's got sweet little fat rolls on his tummy and thighs. 

Welt has gained 7 oz. since we brought him home Friday night.  He's up to 7 lbs. 6 oz., and the pediatrician said today that if he keeps gaining like this, he will go to regular infant formula and stop the 22 calorie. 

Medically, he's doing better than we ever expected.  He's on 3 medications: prevacid for his reflux, iron for his anemia, and miralax (he's not constipated, but it makes bowel movements easier on his hernia).  We are meeting with the surgeon tomorrow to discuss when his surgery will be.  Hopefully he will fix both hernias (he has one in his boy parts and one in the belly button).  He came home on a very low flow of oxygen and a heart and lung monitor.  The pediatrician will do an overnight study in the next few weeks to see whether we need to stay on those.  we have an appointment with the retinal specialist on Thursday, but fully expect to see no progression of his ROP.  They haven't found progression since the first week, and that it extremely uncommon for a 24 weeker.  We so grateful it's one procedure that baby doesn't have to suffer through.

I wish everyone could hear him right now.  It's the cutest noise I have EVER heard.  He snores, just like his daddy.  Fortunately, it's much, MUCH more quiet.  He doesn't like sleeping on his back, so he makes lots of funny noises at night, but we're sure he will get used to it soon. 

Ben and I are struggling with the sleep deprivation as is par for the course with "new" parents.  I have to say though, I would stay awake 24/7 if it meant having my baby sleeping 2 feet from my bed and not having to drive to Provo twice a day.  We may be tired and have bags under our eyes, but believe me when I say, we would have it NO other way. 

Well, I tried to remember everything, but if y'all have questions, leave a comment or facebook us.  We love you all, and thank you so much for the love and prayers.  We hope he continues to do well.  He can't wait to meet everyone!!!! (in a couple months (; )


  1. Could I be more happy or excited for you? I THINK NOT!!! And seriously, my heart swells when I think about your baby! I just love him! I'm wishing/hoping/praying/attempting to find a way to get out there the end of May/beginning of June. I MUST see this child! Love you!

  2. Mamma, you make me proud! It is exciting to hear the love in your voice and know that Welton is right where he belongs... at home in your arms!

  3. Life is so good! Oh I couldn't be happier for you guys. He is the yummiest thing ever!!!
