23 February, 2011

What weighs more: 7 pounds of baby, or 7 pounds of poopy diapers?

Either way, they will both soon be residing at our house.  This big chunk is doing so well eating and breathing, that he will be coming home Friday or Saturday morning.  We are staying at the hospital Thursday night, with the baby, to get used to the home monitors.  Welp, I don't know how often updates will come once we are "full time" parents, but I'll try my best.  Love you all!


  1. Yay! I know you will be great parents! I'm so thankful and EXCITED that things have gone this well for you and baby. We all have had so much faith. Like I told Ben before, "The Georgian/Samoan will be the one to make it.." I can't imagine the spiritual strength you must have as you journey through this experience...and to think that you are preparing for an entirely different adventure ahead! Our prayers will continue to be with you all and PLEASE let us know if there is anything we can do to help.

    Love you tons!

  2. YEA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
